Really stupid!

My day started with work. And me being happy that he accepted my friend request.
Then when I got home his friend texted me with ''Fun girl you who chugs down my drink and then walks home with my friend''.
My face kind of dropped, so I talked to him for a bit. I got to explain how it happened and Kris was the one who'd told him, and our stories matched.
Which I then found funny so when he said that he was gonna go I said: Ah, one last thing! If my chances are blown with you now, do you think I have a shot at your friend?
haha, his answer: I don't know :S But go for it :D
I got a little chocked but happy, so I decided that once he logged onto facebook I'd give it a try.
So when he did I wrote to him.
The thing is.
He didn't write back.

I've pretty much been on a emotional roller coaster today. The day has been awesome, then crap, then awesome and then horrible. And now it's staying down there.
So no, I do not have a shot with the Aussie kid. We boned, he didn't care anymore and now I'm a little down.
But there is always more fish in the sea.

And for the record, it is very hard to say no to an 18 year old Aussie kid who looks like Heath Ledger. Just saying.


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