Write Wright!

Aargh, I've been in the mood of writing and reading as of lately! It's frustrating because webbie-stuff is updated slowly and well books I'm lousy at getting a hold of.
I'm currently reading Alice in Wonderland, well I'm finished with it but I'm starting on Through the Looking Glass (And what Alice found there) so... but I'm really surprised of what an easy read it is! (even though the way they sometimes speak is really ridinkiedonkie!) And it's actually really short. Thought it would be longer since well every effing movie is almost two hours long trying to portray it (probably except for the porno but that doesn't count!).

Anyways, I'm off to bed, I have a phone call waiting for me tomorrow and I need books and I have to make an American apple pie and actually try and do something and I have a headache right now, night


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