For Nisse-T

Two days ago my fish passed away. He'd been sick for two whole days before it happened.
My mom and I both tried helping him up to the surface for air (he was a Siamese fighting fish). He had a really hard time swimming, and his body was crooked and stale.
After dinner I went to check up on him and then he wasn't moving at all, and he laid limp on the bottom.
My heart sank like a ton of bricks.
Me and my mom flushed him down the toilet and my mom said a few words.
It hurt so bad looking at his empty bowl.

I miss my fish. Before he turned bad I took some photos of him, it was like if I knew he was going to be sick and took the last time to admire his beauty.

I think we're going to get a new one, it won't be the same and it won't be Nils-Thomas, but I think we'll go for a female this time (though it's the males that are the most gorgeous ones)


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