Angel Wing tuffs

I can't stop thinking.
And all I'm thinking is just pure nonsense, nothing makes sense in my brain!
This is what lack of sex does to you. If I keep on this dry spell til October, I've been dry for 2 years straight.
2 years is a LOT.
Huuuuuuuuuuuuh *that was a very breathy sigh by the way*.
But I'm also so picky. But of course, it's not like the dudes are throwing themselves at me... except for my ex's friend and my friends ex (whom have actually stopped now, wooh, he was off limits anyways. dammit).
I just hope I'll get something when in Gothenburg, don't tell, but if I do score I'm taking your moms bed!
haha, no, I don't think I will score when in Rome- errr.. Gothenburg, because well... I wouldn't actually wanna do it in my friends bed, or her sisters bed, or their moms/dads bed... maybe their brother's bed hehe

Hah, but seriously though, there are many of my guy friends I'd like to stick my claws into, I'm just too much of a pussy to actually do it you know, because it'll be awkward later.
The reason it didn't get awkward with my friend Wayan after Halloween '08 was because he was all: Haha, dude, we were drunk as fuck, we're going to see each other a lot during guitar and who gives a damn!? :D
He's a dufus and I love it xD
Oh and to clarify, we didn't have sex, we were close, but he was a virgin so he was all: n-n...n-nooo *slurry drunkenness*

haha, good night peeps, see you on the other side


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