
Today is February second and today I stayed home from school because; work+school+no social life+not much sleep = Burning out
That's right, I'm fucking 17 and I'm already burned out. Shite, I will die young!
But seriously, I stayed home and called in sick and I could finally sleep out. And it felt just fucking great!
Right now I feel awesome! :D Otherwise I would just feel soggy, tired and kinda depressed (for no apparent reason)
No I'm like: Fuck yeah, lets do this!
And by 'this' I have no idea what I'm talking about :D I'm back baby!
Tomorrow is Wednesday and that means that I have to finish my 'Fish project/assignment' which I started on today (though I just did the red listing, still have to do the other things on that paper, blargh, I wanna write about my fish, Nisse-T! HE PITIES THE FOOL! But you have to write about fish that we eat, like an eel, think I'll choose carp though!)

Anyways, my wrist isn't really coming along, I have a hard time typing (if my editing skills weren't so good you would notice!) and also eating (yeah, it hurts using a knife) and I can't really work out (or at least do stuff that includes you using your hands/arms) so I'm starting to get 'fat' (the cake didn't make it better either, haha)

well, it's time to hit the sack!


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