I wake up

-and I feel alone!

I like The Hush Sound <3

Had to clean my room, change the sheets and start to pack my stuff (only gotten to the books so far, they're my babies!). Because today my brother comes back home, will be sleeping in my bed and I will be moving into my sisters apartment for the remaining 2 weeks she's in Australia! Donno if I'll have acces to a computer since she do keep a laptop in her ''room'' but it has a password that I don't know, and apparently the internet isn't working properly.... I will be seriously screwed without internet for 2 whole weeks.
But hopefully I can get somewhat of a small ''gathering'' in the apartix, a very small one at that since the apartix (I don't want to write out apartment all the fucking time, so apartix it is!) is only 15 square meters. (approx 1 square meter per person if there'll be 15 people in there.... claustrophobia much!)
It is really small, since a toilet, smallest kitchen ever (no oven :''((((((( no baking), a table, a flat screen TV and a bed-sofa are crammed into that place so it's more like 9square meters left to be on.
That'll give you a way to see how effing small it is....

And right now I have to do my hotel homework, it sucks so bad and I don't get the question really: Kartlägg spa i Sverige. a) vad erbjuder de och till vilket pris? b) vilka målgrupper riktar man sig till?
There is no answer to how many spa's you should check up, so for all I see I ould write about all the 10000 spa's there are in Sweden (maybe not 10000 but I don't know how many there is lol)
But they've made the question kinda unspecific!


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