Phone me!

So I got the confirmation e-mail, but I think I have to call them to see if they actually Can ship em out to me.
I've got the number down, but I think I'll call on Monday... or something.. I'm a real sucker when it comes to calling companies because I have no fucking clue as to what I'm supposed to say or if I should use my professional voice (I have one unfortunately) or just stutter and ramble. I hate talking over the phone. I have to have someone with me when I'm on the phone... well, not if I'm talking to my bro, but with unknown people!
So much easier to send mails and texts (I hate professional texts, they annoy me, I have to make em sometimes)
And what I'm meaning with professional is: Hi, I don't understand this and that, could you please help me? Thanks. //your name.

Those, I hate those! And you feel awkward writing them! Bluurgh!
I'm so effing polite while talking with business people I don't know, because that's how I'm raised.
To be polite... that's also why I don't really get angry at people, because it's un-polite... I suck. >_> sucks to be polite

Postat av: Amanda Constance

SV: va, får man inte biljetterna förrän en vecka innan konserten är? o: skitkonstigt ju.. kanske för att folk inte ska köpa massa och sälja skitdyrt när de tar slut? hm..

2009-11-09 @ 20:19:16

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