Yellow pant!

Yeah! I've been shopping today a bit :3
bought 2 pair of pants, a top and a piké shirt all for under 500 kr :D Sale on Weekday man! I liek!
And apperently yellow axe had bought the same top as I had xD We bought had it today, it was weird since I do think it's a girls top.. and he's a guy....
Oh and while I stood on the bridge and watching Marilyn some random dude asked if I wanted to sit on his shoulder so I could see better :D No way I said no to that hehe.
And Manson wasn't that great man, he sang awesomely but he didn't really talk up the crowd, which every other band did and thay all said wacky great things!!!
Wish I'd actually been there!

well well, have no idea what we're gonna do tomorrw, since Metal town is over :O


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