fun facts about working

I've never written this because it's something that I forget during when I'm working.
It's something that happens kind of often, in every fucking store I get.
There's always people that ask: Where's this and that!?
And I Have to answer that I do not work in the store but only with the candy. Some people take it with glee and say sorry and ask someone else (Though old people are so hard to sat no to, that I just have to direct them if I kind of know)
But them we have the grumpy people... I hate them.
They ask the quetsion and I answer and they don't say sorry, in fact they don't say shit and walks away with a sour face grumbling.
it really hits me up every time! :D... naht. And it's always atlest ONE in every store. It pisses me off. and we can not call the customers idiots or even whisper it under our breath (because darn they hear it!) or they'll complain. I've learned to use my telepathic skillz to curse like a flying bitch on fritos.
But then someone saves the day in their unique ways.
But then again... it's shit ass scary when old men hit on you...... I will never put up my hair again, I'd rather people think I'm a boy in those situtaions.... it's creepy.......


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