You are actually a little gay!

HAH!! I just wacthed the 8th Pokémon movie! :D 'Lucario and the Mystery of Mew' !!
I don't know why I keep watching them, because they ALL suck (except for the first movie, it makes me cry) but I can't stop!! Has to watch 'em all !
Ash never seems to actually grow older... he still looks like 10... and acts like 10... and SOUND like 10 (get the kid into puberty wtf!?)
I would of liked Lucario more if they hadn't pronounced his name luKario .. It's spelled with a fucking C! I say his name like Luchario (it sounds more neat !) and I will keep doing it!!! And his voice actor (or telepathy-voice actor) ... he grunted all the time.. and in my head it sounded like he was fucking a horse or something... DON'T EVER GRUNT LIKE THAT!!! it's horrifying ._.
But Meowth... he is thee most Awesomest and coolest Pokémon in all the pokémon movies! :D seriously! (I'm talking about the talking Meowth... the Team Rocket Meowth!)
He stand and walk on his hinde legs and comes with awesome comments !!
'Meooowth.. and just remember I'm the top cat! Meeowth, that's right!' (haha, my Meowth toy <3)


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