I shall rename Sundays to Coffeeday! seriously! All I do on Sundays is drink coffee! Or I'm hungover, which then I can't drink coffee until it's passed, then I shovel that shit down my throat like your mom shovels coke!
(yes I'm sitting here laughing at my terrible 'your mom'-joke, 'tis all this coffee on Coffeeday)

Oh! I was at bro's place yesterday! I got a huge lollipop (which actually isn't huge, it just contains 15 lollies ´sadface`) and some mints (because I love my mints!). And I can just see how I can use this big ass lollipop for so many things! I will probably never eat those lollies... I will just use it as something AWESOMEZOR!

I've been thinking (oh shit) about taking walks in the cool neighborhood (by the church, haha) and actually doing vlogs. Because I actually just talk to myself anyways when I'm alone. And it would be a great way to improve my English as well (as if I need it, pff (I do though)). But for now, I will just walk and talk to myself (I sound so sane, lol).

I should really head to bed!


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