Waveity wave

Haii! I made lasagna today! It was kind of good, though the celery root destroyed it for me :/ in every effing recipe we use in the hot kitchen there's celery root! Double the eff!! It's not that good, fuck!
Anyways, got to work with a guy... every time I get to work with a guy in the kitchen (hell, whenever the girls work with a guy) you're the one that bosses him around and yells half over the kitchen for him to stop fooling around.
Jeez, my mom was right, send boys of age 16 to an island, without anything, because damn, they don't have any discipline! Most guys anyways. They run around and HAVE to talk to their friend, whilst you get a slight cramp in your arm from all the effing whisking.
Blurgh, they're good at times, they're sweet. I couldn't help feel attracted though when he stepped around me, whilst having both hands around me.... eehh, on the cauldron, while I was holding it at the same time.
No sex in one year does this kids. Just a warning.
He's cute too so, STFU.

(I fucked my American cunt <3 though now it'll be: I fucked my Swedish dick! <3)

Postat av: Malin

Sv: Hahahahaha xD

2009-09-16 @ 16:53:17
URL: http://fliegen.blogg.se/
Postat av: mizthanguyen/v.

Hejsan, jag tänkte bara påminna er om mina nya dansvideo tillägnad till min flickvän på senaste inlägget, vad tycks? vill ha just din åsikt, kommentera gärna på youtube för att få videon växa :) tack i förhand ^^


2009-09-17 @ 09:04:26
URL: http://mizthanguyen.blogg.se/

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