
I just ate chocolate pudding with whipped cream and had some tea! I want bigger boobs okay!So I need fat! :D (Worlds greatest reason to eat fatty stuff)
But anyways, I need to work out tomorrow, kinda like extra much (The chocolate pudding was in the same amount as the cream....snap)
But my body still hurts from the work out I did in gym class :(

And today I bought a few stuff, like mittens, new headphones, underwear and something new to sleep in.... which is basically just a top with ribbons on (Sexy heck yeah! haha) Oh and it had matching panties! HAHA, I Had to buy it xD
I spend too much money .__. I have now 1'200+ something left from 3'400+ kr, I had to give my dad 1000, I bought the smosh-face shirt (162,75), the Ms Krueger outfit (370) and now today (which all went on 455, oops)
Huh, maybe I haven't spent THAT much, but the rest I shall save for food and schtuff!

Now it's Heroes!


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