Sweet mother of holy ESTOCOLMO!! I am back!
Umeå ruled man!!! :D 07-01 in my <3 for real!! The guy that worked there, YUM!!
And all the swimmer boys! I must have drooled enough for a whole pool!!
Also, my competing time haven't changed at ALL!! And I haven't swimmed for about a year!! Moahah!! I has still the swimming skillz! >:D heh, maybe if I were still swimming I would be more like 1337!!!! eliiiiite!!
I have a real dumbass quote from my friend too that went with us on the 'trip':
"The seagulls are vegetarians, they don't eat grapes!"
Yeah, he's not the smartest kid I know... maybe more like the dumbest, hah!
But damn is it good to be back!! I've missed Stockholm! Umeå was just so... ehm... empty... No cars, just a lot of bicycles!
Umeå ruled man!!! :D 07-01 in my <3 for real!! The guy that worked there, YUM!!
And all the swimmer boys! I must have drooled enough for a whole pool!!
Also, my competing time haven't changed at ALL!! And I haven't swimmed for about a year!! Moahah!! I has still the swimming skillz! >:D heh, maybe if I were still swimming I would be more like 1337!!!! eliiiiite!!
I have a real dumbass quote from my friend too that went with us on the 'trip':
"The seagulls are vegetarians, they don't eat grapes!"
Yeah, he's not the smartest kid I know... maybe more like the dumbest, hah!
But damn is it good to be back!! I've missed Stockholm! Umeå was just so... ehm... empty... No cars, just a lot of bicycles!