
I've just eaten something that was awesomely yummy! haha, not to brag about my dad's cooking skillz (which kinda suck sometimes) but today he made something worth taking twice of.
Pasta with agaricus (lol what the hell! Uhm, but Champinjon in swedish) and chicken sauce!
You should deff try it!
Fry som shrooms until goldishbrownish, add chicken (it should be prepared before hand, as in 'barbequed') and Crème fraîche and like a shit load of salt and serve with pasta :3
yeah... it was kinda unnessecary to actually write that down maybe...... uh...

Also, have you seen that commercial for Bruger kings new meal!? It is splendedly Awesome! haha, a guy has bought the new burger 'Transformers 6-pack' and leaves it in his work room alongside his buddy.
He then comes back and there's a big chunk missing from this 6-packed burger. And he asks who did it.
The guy who actually ate the piece blames the... Washing Machine... says it transformed and chewed on the burger and then transformed back.
It can be found on
I loved it :D


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