Watcha thinking?
And... I met a cute guy.. and hopes he'll be calling soon ;)... He may be like 24.. but he started it!.. Now I feel a little dirty and guilty.. and dumb... meh, Who cares, I may get sex out of this :D and if I don't, I haven't really lost anything :3
Oh and I also bought two new books (it feels like I buy alot of books..) Dead Until Dark (Vampire book, duuuh) and a book on Mindreading (Konsten att läsa tankar. It's a swedish book duh :D)
I'll be learning how to read your minds bitches! >:D
sv: KLART DU SKA FÅ TRÄFFA RARINGEN! den kommer vara med mig överallt.
ooohh, tell me everything about this guy!!! did he just pop out from nowhere? what did he say? omgmgmgg is he a handsome vampire?
AHAHHAA so coool i wanna read minds too, imma buy that book mwhahah >:D we'll be the mindreading sex partners XD
HAHAH dude thats so great!!!! i would never dare to do such a thing, seriously! you're my fucking idol! was he cute? omg omg omg what if he calls? you'll be like: "hello sexy... i need... sex" HAHA omg awesome!!!11
hhhahahaha you're right, i don't really need that book, all i need is naked pictures of you, hun!
FÖRRESTEN! du skickade ju en bloggdesign till mig men det kom massa frågetecken o skit emellan, så om du fortfarande vill ha en annan så kan du skcika den i en kommentar på min blogg så kan jag ta bort reklamen :>